
Die Entwicklung multimedialer Objekte legt nahe, sie in Verbindung mit
kreativer Lichttechnik, Laserlicht und Musik in thematisch orientierten
Art-Events (Kunstereignissen) zu Lande, auf dem Wasser und in der Luft
zu inszenieren.

Die Inszenierung mit schwimmenden leuchtenden Kunstobjekten im
Hafenbereich oder in Küstennähe wird kombiniert mit Lichtmustern, die
über und unter der Wasseroberfläche sichtbar werden. Die Lichtmuster
können mit Punktstrahlern, Unterwasserscheinwerfern und Lasertechnik
erzeugt werden. Ein Computerprogramm steuert variabel alle Komponenten.

Zwischen der Struktur des Computerprogramms und den Bewegungen der Lichtpunkte und Lichtinterferenzen besteht eine enge direktive
Beziehung. Figuren in einer Handlung, die in deutlicher Form oder in
chiffrierten Phasen eine moderne Geschichte erzählen, werden von der
festgelegten Struktur des Computerprogramms dirigiert.

Thematisch gesehen sind Handlungsabläufe in der Planung die unseren
mythischen Urgrund und Aspekte unserer modernen Welt illustrieren.

In einer visuellen und tonalen Symphonie mit koordinierten Wechseln
werden die schwimmenden Kunstobjekte, die mit einer eingegrenzten
Wasseroberfläche vernetzt sind, zu einem weithin sichtbaren
"Erzählorganismus". Einer der schönsten Faktoren hierbei ist der
Spiegeleffekt der Wasseroberfläche.

Das ART-EVENT kann zudem in den Luftraum erweitert werden. Zum Beispiel mit schwebenden Ballons, die selbst zu fliegenden Kunstobjekten werden.
Zwischen einzelnen Ballons können künsterische Strukturen aus
verschiedenen Materialien gespannt werden. Eine Art am Himmel
aufgehängte Collage entsteht auf diese Weise.

Mein Konzept ART-EVENTS ist als zusammenhängende Kunstaktion ebenso
auffaßbar wie auch als PR-Maßnahme in individuellem Kontext.


The development of multimedia objects suggests them in connection with
creative lighting technology, laser light and music in thematically oriented
Art events (art events) on land, on water and in the air
to stage.

The staging with floating luminous art objects in the
Port area or near the coast is combined with light patterns that
visible above and below the water surface. The Light Patterns
can use spotlights, underwater spotlights and laser technology
be generated. A computer program variably controls all components.

Between the structure of the computer program and the movements of the
Points of light and light interference is a strict directive
Relationship. Characters in an action that appear in clear form or in
ciphered phases tell a modern story, are used by the
specified structure of the computer program.

From a thematic point of view, the courses of action in planning are ours
illustrate the mythical origin and aspects of our modern world.

In a visual and tonal symphony with coordinated changes
are the floating art objects that are constrained with a
water surface are networked into one that can be seen from afar
"narrative organism". One of the most beautiful factors here is the
Water surface mirror effect.

The ART-EVENT can also be extended into the airspace. For example
with floating balloons that become flying art objects themselves.
Artistic structures can appear between individual balloons
different materials can be clamped. A kind in the sky
hanging collage is created in this way.

My ART-EVENTS concept is the same as a coherent art event
understandable as well as a PR measure in an individual context.


Lo sviluppo degli oggetti multimediali li suggerisce in relazione a
tecnologia di illuminazione creativa, luce laser e musica orientata tematicamente
Eventi artistici (eventi artistici) sulla terra, sull'acqua e nell'aria mettere in scena.

L'allestimento con oggetti d'arte luminosi fluttuanti nel
La zona portuale o in prossimità della costa viene abbinata a giochi di luce che
visibile sopra e sotto la superficie dell'acqua. I modelli di luce
può utilizzare faretti, faretti subacquei e tecnologia laser
essere generato. Un programma per computer controlla in modo variabile tutti i componenti.

Tra la struttura del programma informatico e i movimenti del
Punti luce e interferenze luminose costituiscono una direttiva rigorosa
Relazione. Personaggi di un'azione che appaiono in forma chiara o in
le fasi cifrate raccontano una storia moderna, sono usate dal
struttura specifica del programma informatico.

Dal punto di vista tematico, le linee di azione della pianificazione sono le nostre
illustrare l'origine mitica e gli aspetti del nostro mondo moderno.

In una sinfonia visiva e tonale con cambiamenti coordinati
sono gli oggetti d'arte fluttuanti che sono vincolati con a
superficie dell'acqua sono collegati in rete in uno che può essere visto da lontano
"organismo narrativo". Uno dei fattori più belli qui è il
Effetto specchio della superficie dell'acqua.

L'ART-EVENT può essere esteso anche allo spazio aereo. Per esempio
con palloncini galleggianti che diventano essi stessi oggetti d'arte volanti.
Tra i singoli palloncini possono apparire strutture artistiche
possono essere bloccati materiali diversi. Una specie nel cielo
il collage sospeso viene creato in questo modo.

Il mio concetto ART-EVENTS è lo stesso di un evento artistico coerente
comprensibile così come una misura di PR in un contesto individuale.

'Crew of the spaceship Earth,

unite in peace

for the future of your flight.'

Art, design, architecture, technology and electronic objects in overlapping works

Statement characterizes humanity's current situation and is an appeal to us to construct a cosmopolitan consciousness !

This statement characterizes humanity's current situation and is an appeal to us to construct a cosmopolitan consciousness. It will be imprinted on the sides of my light art-object. Art-object and motto will then undergo a global, televisual symbiosis in the year 2000 for the opening of the Expo in Hanover. Television images of my luminous art-object suspended in space will connect up with the multimedia pavilion and will be broadcast throughout the world. Inside the pavilion itself, images of the multimedia pavilion, the motto and the light object suspended in space will fuse together simultaneously on a giant screen.

The history of art has been written for thousands of years on the surface of the earth. Its contents and its symbolism have not been restricted to the earthly sphere, however, in their manifestations they have been bound to it by gravitation. It was not until aerospace had been developed that possibilities arose to transpose objects and actions of art into space and in the universe.





art gallery draft
expo 2000 pavillon draft
light & water object
doctors office (germany)
ecological low energy house