Allround craftsmen & designers in all materials: wood, stone, glass, ceramics, fabric, plastics. Shop fitting, furniture making and special construction using multiple techniques and newly combined materials.
Artigiani e designer a tutto tondo in tutti i materiali: legno, pietra, vetro, ceramica, tessuto, plastica. Arredamento di negozi, realizzazione di mobili e costruzioni speciali utilizzando molteplici tecniche e materiali nuovi combinati.
Handwerker Allround & Designer in allen Materialien: Holz, Stein, Glas, Keramik, Stoff, Kunststoffe. Ladenbau, Möbelbau und Sonderbau mit multiplen Techniken und neu kombinierten Materialien.
Since 1989 projects combining art & construction in Schleswig-Holstein (northern region of Germany) From 1989 to 1994 projects combining art & construction are created, which link art, design, architecture and electronic comprehensively and multimedia. Among others computer works of art in the public area and multimedia exhibition concepts, "water" being the topic, are created during this period of time.
Advice in urban development /electronic art projekt with interactive lamps with computer steering
I realize this project in 1991 in the northern part of germany. the project combined room architecture, furniture & objects, timber-steel-plastics- ceramics-stone design, choice of colours, floorintarsias.
An ambitious projekt: Old myths, phitosophy and pieces of association. The universal art work of Rolf-Dieter Lenkewitz in Flensburg. The task to be achieved was to bring painting, sculpture and architecture into harmony. The result is impressive. lt can be regarded as a possibility to integrate art in the world of work without creating the usual kind of ,,decoration". The point of departure for this artistic work is the painting of this young artist who came from Berlin to Stuttgart. Combining different medias is typical for his method of working; in this way lyric poetry, iron sculptures and highly individual paintings with oil-paint on paper are created.
< Light object, painted paper between two single glas layer.
Boden Intarsien mit Linoleum Bodenbelägen. Positiv/negativ Schnitte mit farbigen Konturen (Verschmelzung)
Floor inlays with linoleum floor coverings. Positive/negative cuts with colored contours (merging)
Intarsi per pavimenti con rivestimenti per pavimenti in linoleum. Tagli positivi/negativi con contorni colorati (unione)
Metall- und Schmiedearbeiten, Für ein Cafe wurde Lampen mit Niedervoltspannung und farbigem Glas, sowie Türgriffe aus Metall für die Glastür und der Schriftzug aus Stahl gearbeitet
Per un bar sono stati realizzati metalli e ferri, lampade a basso voltaggio e vetri colorati, maniglie in metallo per la porta in vetro e scritte in acciaio
Metal and ironwork, lamps with low voltage voltage and colored glass were made for a cafe, as well as metal door handles for the glass door and the lettering made of steel
"Overall work of art "Doctors surgery"
My concept for the artistic design of this surgery was to express the inner cosm of pictures, the biological cyberspace, in which I anticipated the real execution in an almost perfect form. Relations between art, design and architecture are only possible if one puts oneself in the different disciplines and knows their natural laws. Insight into the theory of colour, the detailed assessment of the internal roomfunctions, ther realization of own furniture forms and the playful ease of dissolving borders between the media create a fantastic expierence of space.